Zeta smartscape Nano
These lanterns do definitely look wired, and they have a wired lens on them. They are very efficient LED lanterns, however the wired lens results in a glare issue. Their mounting spigots are bad, as they can snap off. I have seen 2 with a broken spigot.
windsor and Maidenhead
These zeta smartscape nanos are in windsor and Maidenhead. They have got telensa nodes on them.
This zeta smartscape nano is on a old ele o swan-neck column! This is in eton, Berkshire
This zeta smartscape nano has a broken spigot! This is in eton, Berkshire.
This one has snapped off completely! It is just hanging on by the cable! This is in datchet, Berkshire.
This zeta smartscape nano is Dayburning. This is likely caused by a faulty node.
This column has 3 zeta smartscape nanos and 3 Christmas lights!
These zeta smartscape nanos are in a car park in sunningdale, Berkshire. They are on a British steel column with a decorative bracket.
This zeta smartscape nanos is on a swan-neck bracket in sunningdale, Berkshire.
This concrete column used to have a zeta smartscape nanos on it. The lantern has been removed, and the column has got tape on it, meaning it is going to be removed. This is in sunningdale, Berkshire.
This zeta smartscape nano is next to an overgrown concrete column with a thorn gamma 6 on it! The concrete column is inside the wall, so I think that’s why it wasn’t removed. This is in sunningdale, Berkshire.