WRTL Libras are a fluorescent lantern, they are made from aluminium, and normally run on a PL-L lamp. Most of them normally have Philips HF electronic ballasts, but some have different ballasts, such as a Harvard electronic ballast.


The WRTL Libras in Surrey replaced old lanterns around 2012 all over Surrey on small roads, and they ran PL-L fluorescent lamps and had a leaf nut radio node on them, on the main roads, there were WRTL ARCs that ran SON or cosmo lamps and had leaf nut nodes on them. They both had Harvard gear and were painted in the Surrey Green colour. Around 2021, the WRTL libras were retrofitted with a LED retrofit made by DW Windsor, and they have a urbannode radio node on them. The ARCs were replaced with green DW Windsor kirium ECOs that have a urbannode radio node on them. The ARCs only lasted about 10 years, what a waste! I hate it when councils replace old lanterns and then a couple of years later, they replace the lanterns with LED lanterns.


This Wrtl libra is fitted to a British steel column, painted green!

Each Wrtl libra has 8 leds on the geartray. This one is fitted to a green mallatite column.

This is a hinged British steel column, however there is something weird about this column, it has a WRTL Libra LED on it.

The door is upside-down! The hole and the British steel logo should be at the top, not the bottom!

This WRTL Libra has been left out from the Surrey LED replacement scheme!
it still has a PL-L fluorescent lamp, and has a leaf nut radio node on it. It probably has a Harvard smart electronic ballast in it. This one is near the A30 in Staines.

i hope this one survives for a while longer without being retrofitted with LED.